
How can I set up UK VAT for nopcommerce?

How can I create a flash banner for my nopcommerce

A flash banner on your homepage enables your nopcommerce more business friendly and stylish.

Example link:

Example download:

Source code:

This tutorial is to let you know how to create one within 10 mins. You dont need to have any knowledge of html and flash, just do it step by step.

We're working based on an open source rotate project called "Bcastr"

Step1: Download and install nopcommerce on your local machine or hosting.
download and put bcastr4.swf into root folder

We'll change the Welcome to our store section into a flash banner.(click to view full image)
Step2: login to adminstration panel, go to Content Management -> Topics -> Homepage Text, click edit topic content

Step3: Click "<>" button between "pen" and "zoom in" button on the left bottom corner of the editor, remove all the text there.

Step4: copy and paste the following code, and make sure you have 3 images named slideshow1.jpg, slideshow2.jpg and slideshow3.jpg

I can't paste the code here it will automatically disappear for security reasons.
please copy it from here:
(click to view full image)

Step5: Click save and refresh the storefront

Result:(click to view full image)

1. how can I change the size of the flash?

change the width and height property here. make sure you the same size images to fit in, otherwise the images will be cut.

2. how can I change the nativagtion url when people click the banner

change (link)(link) ()-><>property

3. how can I add a new flash slice?

Add a new item below, be careful you need to add twice.the code is repeated twice for browser compatability.
4. How can I change the button color?
change the btnFocusColor

5. How can I change the rotate size
change the AutoPlayTime

6. If i have more problems how can you help?
Please leave a message here.

this tutorial is written by LarryLan www.osshop.biz


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We're committed to design the best nopcommerce theme for customers at a very competitive price.

All our templates are suitable for latest nopcommerce (now is nopcommerce1.50), and all of them have been tested under IE6.0 IE7.0 IE8.0 Safari and Firefox